Exposing shitty scribe work -- in newspapers, TV, anywhere

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Not So Iconic TV Icon?!

I haven't yet begun to expose specific crap in Indian television news. I certainly will and I promise that, too, will be fun. Meanwhile, below is a comment from an anonymous reader. It's about a TV news icon, but the writer doesn't think high of him. I publish it here only because the writer has spotted a good example of bad journalism. Other than that, I have no opinion on the writer's personal comments. Verbatim excerpt:

Whats worse is that a few babalogs have come together to create Babalogs Utd. in a channel called IBN (Indian Babalog's Network.) And to the utter horror of the unsuspecting public they are beginning to try their hand at popular hindi film journalism, which they scoffed at all the way to Oxford and back. In a much hyped interview of Asha Bhosle conducted by Babalog In Chief Rajdeep Sardesai, the interviewer's news peg was the new Asha album on the stand, Rahul and I. So Baba No.1 read up all there was on the subject and asked Asha, what that one song was that best described her. Lo and Behold... She broke out into "yeh kya jagah hai doston...!" Now that was foul-play, that was not part of the syllabus. The editor in chief of the country's largest network blanked out and kept nodding with a stupid grin. Those unfamiliar with Khayyam's great score in Umrao Jaan retired believing how well Pancham, RD, had scored the song...! Then the big chief went on to insist in more ways than one cares to describe, how RD had created this magical new Asha, with an unexplored sensuality! Asha was created and nurtured and metaphysically (spare the physical details for Deepak Chaurasia to unearth) deflowered by OP Nayyar, and any hawker on the streets of India with access to Vividh Bharati on a beat up transistor would have told that to the EdInChief, IBN CNN.


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, what a welcome voice in Indian journalism that knows not where it's heading... (do they care at all that they don't head anywhere and keep blowing their trumpets standing in the same stupor?)... Thanks for bringing to readers the insides of the ailing journalism in our country! For someone like me who has been a journalist (yes, one of this species) in the past, reading your blog is like going back to my journalism school, where our professor did the same, only on paper at the time... everything TOI and other biggies publish would appear on our classroom board covered in red - with corrections and comments on exactly what you're pointing out here... That was nearly 20 years back, and nothing has changed... The fact that the school was run by TOI and that many passouts are today editors and reporters in these big newspapers and TV channels has not helped improve the quality of journalism so much... because, the school closed before too many young journalists got hooked onto quality journalism to make an impact on this big monster that's Indian journalism establishment... probably the prospect itself scared the owner-managers to shut down the school...

1:25 pm  

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